Saturday 26 March 2011

Part III

Hello again

In the last part of the presentation I want to talk about the presumed conspiracy deals that influenced the world.

Can you believe that there are people who obviously profit from a war? Yes,
that's normal, no one can argue with that. But would you believe that there are
people creating armed conflicts on a large scale in order to get richer or more
powerful? People who don't care about the human life or happiness. Seems
impossible, no fair person would ever do this.

As you can read, the recent history shows it has been quite a common thing.
Wars are led and business is made. Sometimes, wars are provoked so that the
business can be made. Some say that the participation of the United States in
the World War II was again a planned action.

How is the money made on war? By selling weapons, selling machinery, providing
equipment, computer systems, satellites. Then of course there are the spoils of
war: access to the natural wealth of the defeated country. Be it gold, petrol,
scientists, technical achievements...

Why do they do this?

When big money comes into game, other things are less important. But - imagine
that you have already more money than you can possibly spend. You have anything
that you can buy. Getting more and more money becomes dull – why do all this
when it makes no difference – one million more or less? What is it that you
still don't have and can give you the thrill you're looking for? It's simple.
Power. The ability to influence the other people's lives. The more of them –
the more thrilling it gets. It's better than fame, wealth, anything.

Is there anything more exciting than carrying out an international action
aimed at changing the entire societies? Especially when you can only operate
concealed, cause otherwise everyone would turn against you?

Is there a final goal of the presumed conspiracy? The followers of this theory
say it is to establish a New World Order – a system of an international
government controlling every human being by the means of implanted under skin
microchips. Naturally, this sounds big and unbelievable – would any of us
allow being marked this way like cattle?

Surprisingly, yes! But it happens only when you make the people think it's
attractive, or it's for their own good.

When you sell it to the people as a new trend or fashion or something that
everyone must have – they will probably want to get it themselves. If you
make it useful – they will kill to buy it. Imagine the world 20 years ago –
nobody even thought that today we will almost all have cellphones. It's
necessary and comfortable, we say. That's right. But if you are offered a chip
that will replace your credit card, car keys, ID, driver license etc., and
besides will provide you with the possibility of being easily localized when you get
lost or kidnapped – will you refuse? And that's how it starts.

Most people will probably still reject this solution. What would you do to
convince them to accept it?

It's easy. You make them frightened, and they will give away their freedom in exchange
for protection. That's as old as the hills.

Remember how Hitler convinced the people to give him the power? He burnt down
the parliament and blamed for it the communists – an incoming menace to
Germany. According to many, the same happened on September 11th. There is much
evidence claiming that the attempts had been planned and carried out not by Al
Quaeda, but by someone much more powerful.

You don't have to believe in what this movie says but just think about it. Who could
have the power to destroy the World Trade Center and why would he do this?

Everything we know for sure is that 9/11 allowed Bush to start the war in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

You might treat all this as a curiosity, a complete lie or sheer truth. But just
think about it – why would you believe in what they say on TV?

Do you think it is all exaggerated; the arguments I have given are not
convincing enough?

Or maybe you consider all conspiracy theories as just a sign of paranoia?

Do you know any other examples of using the disasters for the political aims?


  1. War is always about money or power or both. The attack on the WTC showed the Americans IMHO that they aren't untouchable. I do not support U.S. military operations as they try to control the whole world. Fortunately, the European Union's approach is completely different and we are big enough to oppose such actions.

  2. If you compare 9/11 to the Reichstag fire, compare the results then. The outcome of Hitler coming to power is much more severe. Death of the millions, world war... And what are those local military operations in comparison to what Europe experienced in the last century? i think that example was just exaggerated.

    @Sebastian G.: And that is why USA is a superpower and Europe just a nice place for sightseeing...

  3. There’re thousands of theories that we would never know the answers. Roswell, landing on the Moon, Watergate, Crop Circles, destroying WTC and Pentagon, build Warsaw’s Palace of Cultures instead Underground and others. If there is a money people will always creating theories. But in the other hand, what the human being means in the fact of ultimate power? Means nothing.
    But look at the European Union, you can easily find a symptoms of previously shown conspiracy. As J.R.R.Tolkien wrote: “One ring to rule them all … “.
    Isn’t similar to Hitler’s needs? One enormous group of countries putted together (doesn’t matter it isn’t called Germany now), no borders, one currency, one language…and finally one leader who manage them all. Looks familiar? Actually I’ve heard that story before.

  4. Jakub, I truly enjoy your presentation! I like your clean way of reasoning and the topic (a bit risky) that you have chosen. Generally I agree with you, even tough I may have different opinions about some of your examples. I believe that most of people are not concious of the games played on the top and few can understand them (I don't).
    Modern societies are systems of huge control prejudiced by many writers and philosophers. Usually we are not aware how much private information we leave unsafe on the internet. Microchips are the future and it's not any science-fiction any more.
    Of course, there are many silly conspiracy theories, but if someone perceive TV political propaganda as an objective true, it's even more naive.

    @Sebastian G: Do you believe in what you have written or it was just a joke?

  5. I agree. There are so many unexplained acts of hostilities, which are not intended to alleviate the conflict, on the contrary. Very often, if not always, the reason for the war are tangible benefits to the state under attack can offer, but without any compromise ...

    It's really inconceivable to me that living in XXI century, one has to worry about wars.
    Do not be preferable if the money spent on the war in Iraq, to spend on development of scientific research?

  6. When it comes to 9/11, there is no evidence that it was planned by the US government in order to start the war in Iraq. All theories are based on guesses rather than on proofs. In my opinion, the fanaticism of the Muslim extremists played an important role in the attack and it should not be ignored at all. Even if it was all organized or provoked by the Americans, they used the extremists as a tool which helped them achieve their aim. Media usually don't tell us the truth; they say things depending on who are they in favor of. Therefore, I would rather believe those maniacs who try to discover the truth on their own and I wouldn't listen to the opinions spread by the national TV stations and newspapers.

    Some conspiracy theories are a sign of paranoia for sure. The best example here are all the theories created after the Smoleńsk tragedy. They do not only show us people's paranoia but also pure stupidity. As I wrote in my previous comment on this presentation, it's best to have a critical approach towards information that appears in the media and in the Internet.

  7. The network can easily find photos, reviews professionals etc. which contradict the official reports in the attacks.
    In my opinion, despite the huge amount of material on the web about the events of 9/11/2001, is difficult to determine one indisputable version which can be considered as true. It is no wonder that conspiracy theories about the attacks and even a few years after the disaster are still being discussed. It is a reaction to the traumatic experience, which for many are still difficult to comprehend.

  8. At the beginning you say that it seems impossible there are people who almost create a war to have profits and who don’t care for other people’s lives. I wouldn’t say so. There were always such people. Actually we all have our “dark side” let’s call it. It sounds really terrifying but it’s normal.

    What isn’t normal, is the fact that some of us just can’t stop themselves from doing something really bad, but still, it isn’t really surprising. We will always have a problem to know what is right or what is wrong, because as you said, we can’t be 100 % positive whether we were told the truth or not (on the TV or anywhere else).

    As Tomasz Frender said, there are lots more theories that we will never find out the real facts about. But also looking for conspiracy in every thing that happens isn’t good. You shouldn’t go out then, talk to anyone etc. The only thing that we can do, is just to be careful and don’t believe everything we hear.

  9. "Do you know any other examples of using the disasters for the political aims?"

    We don't have to look far. 10th of April last year. I'm sure everyone has just enough of the political fight over this disaster. Including artificial fog, planting trees on the runway etc.

  10. I would not like to get to far dicussing 10th April, but... There is another example of a disaster that had far-reaching political effects.

    Franciso Sa Carneiro was the Prime Minister of Portugal. He died in a plane crash in 1980, what launched an avalanche of conspiracy theories. Especially when his political rival won the ellections after all.

    The intriquing thing in here is that one of the latest state committees (because there was about nine as far as I remember...) investigating the crash officialy stated that the cause of the accident was the sabotage...

  11. Sebastian G. said:
    "War is always about money or power or both." ...or in XXI century petroleum-->money-->power(dominate) ;P

    @Sebastian G: I really hope that the attack on the WTC was prepared by terrorist.
    In other case i will packed and go to uninhabited island, because there will not be better...

    Why would you believe in what they say on TV?
    Hahahaha, we not must believe, simply public media did not say inconvenient fact...
    For example did You hear about:
    in polish:,Manifestacja-w-Londynie-ataki-na-banki-sklepy-hotele-Policja-bezsilna
    ... about in onet, TV, ect.?

    Tomasz Frender said: “..One ring to rule them leader who manage them all... "
    Tomasz, UE? EUROPEAN UNION!! ONE LEADER?? Have You any fact, literature about it? Or did You smoke something? second case I want It!! :)

  12. 'Can you believe that there are people who obviously profit from a war?' Yes, I can. War is mostly about bringing profit. It become obvious aftre reading a little about 1st and 2nd World War and observing current wars. It is always about the money :/

    Microchips - that is interesting subject. On the one hand we can have a lot of important information about us always available (it is really good e.g. when we have an accident - we can be quickly identified, doctor can be informed if we are allergic, etc), but the idea of having this under my skin scares me.

    9/11: I am not sure what to think about it.

  13. Wars - as history shows - they have alway been about domination or money. They have always given a great boost to the economy and technology.

    As for the microchips - as the Rolling Stones sang - 'You can't always get what you want'. You get some bonuses in return for some privacy. Giving everyone what they want is utopian and can't be made real.

    I do consider most of the things mentioned by you exaggerated.

    As I wrote earlier, I'm not a big fan on conspiracy theories. I know it is very tempting to believe in them and even though some parts of them may be true whereas others make the whole matter quite inconsistent.

  14. The possibility that microchips will be in use in near future is very high. Very soon all our life will be controlled by somebody on the top of hierarchy... From tittle-tattles: this weekend I heard in radio (TVP3) that our cars will be equipped in tachograph. It means that police will control our speed in every moment... (I am not sure if this is a truth:(, can anybody belie this fact?)

  15. It is really hard to write anything about WTC since that disaster caused so much suffering and brought so many deaths. However, it should also be said that where there is money and politics there is always suffering. There are too many coincidences when it comes to WTC tragedy to make me believe that it was simply suicidal acts of terror. Simple people will always rely on mass media and they will always believe in what they are told. However , the real politics is taking place behind the scenes. There can be many films made to solve the mystery of WTC but the real actions and reasons for those actions will always remain unraveled. For many people the truth might turn out to be too uncomfortable to see the light.
    Those conspiracy theories are not necessarily just a sign of paranoia because even in every lie there is a grain of truth.
    There are numerous examples of disasters being used for political aims. It is enough to mention one that took (or rather is taking) place in Poland i.e. plane crash in Smoleńsk with the Polish President, his wife and many officials of high rank on board.

  16. I heard some rumors that USA known for months that Japan gonna attack Pearl Harbor. And I seen in some documentary interview with one of the Pearl Harbor's crew member. He was offspring of some high-rank politician and he told that day before the infamous attack he got transfered to another base.
