Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The biggest energy myths

Nuclear energy is dangerous

Opinion polls made in the U.S. showed that 72% of people are afraid of nuclear energy.

A lot of people are afraid of nuclear energy, especially because we all remember the 1986 tragedy which happened in Chernobyl. However, today's nuclear power plants are resistant to human mistakes (such as Chernobyl situation) but also to a possible terrorist attack. We may think that coal plants are safer, but it’s not true. Let’s look at the miners, many of them every year have the heart and lung disease and many of them during the extraction of black gold die. The most important fact is that coal plants emit more radiation than nuclear plants. And also a nuclear power significantly reduces our dependence on fossil fuels which will end in a few decades.

Number of nuclear reactors in the world:

· USA – 104

· France – 58

· Japan – 54

· Russia – 32

· South Korea – 21

· United Kingdom – 19

· India – 19

· Canada – 18

· Germany – 17

· Ukraine – 15,stan-rozwoju-energetyki-jadrowej-na-swiecie

Wind turbines are not reliable

Construction of a wind turbine and a generator costs a lot, the same goes for a device adjusting the frequency of current supplied to our homes. Another defect is the noise that wind turbines make, which is dangerous also to animals that have inhabited the area for many years. They are also dangerous to birds’ hikes as they are where they put now very powerful propellers.

However, wind farms are certainly a good option because the wind is as yet no ending source from which we can obtain electricity.

Wind Turbine Explosion:

Solar energy is uneconomic

Solar cells are expensive. The standard installation of solar panels on the 10 square meters costs about $ 100 (In USA) . Solar battery in Poland costs 700PLN for 0.5 square meters. The owner of these solar panels will see the refund of purchases not faster than in a few years’. Additional cost is the exploitation of the panels, which is also costly. However, looking optimistically, solar panels are one of the most environmentally-friendly types of energy sourcing and may even be profitable.

The most interesting is the way to obtain electricity from sources such as air and sun in our country because according to the provisions of the energy we need first to sell power at a lower price to power plants and to buy it later from them. Then if we need energy, we have to buy back it from power industry for a higher price. Legally we cannot use the obtained energy directly in our home.

Q: Are you using this type of sources of energy in your home / flat?

Q: Are you in favor of building a nuclear power plant in our country?

Q: Can you name any other sources of renewable energy?

Monday, 18 April 2011

The most interesting factories in the world

There were times when the industrial architecture in our country had a special charm. The proof of this are factories in Lodz, Katowice and Bielsko Biala. Today we mostly see ugly assembly rooms resembling large boxes which disfigure the landscape. However, I would like to demonstrate you in this presentation that it could be different and the factories do not have to be a terrible place for a dirty job, but modern and pleasant environment in which everyone would like to work.

My favorite: Volkswagen Transparent Factory in Dresden (2002)

Entire walls of glass, parquet floors made ​​of wood, electrical equipment supplied wirelessly ;it that looks like a modern car factory, which was opened by Volkswagen in Dresden.

A Photo Tour of the Transparent Factory in Dresden:

Farmacias Ahumada Distribution Centre Chile (2006)

This building is particularly interesting in terms of energy. It is designed to exploit thenatural sunlight, energy produced primarily by the activity of solar, wind and geothermal energy. With the economical and ecological operation, it is good for the environment.

More information and pictures:

Veolia Materials Recovery Facility (2005)

The hidden advantage of this facility, where is processed vegetable waste, is a green roof in size of two football fields. The lawn on the roof prevents from the fluctuation of temperature inside the building, reduces stains and the most important it blocks thousands of tons of pollutants to be emitted into the air.

More information and pictures:

Bodegas Protos (2002)

Concern for the wine, drink of the gods, is not a simple matter - the wine must be stored in appropriate conditions. Building of wine company Bodegas Protos is a half basement. Gently embedded in the ground, having a light and airy design. Cooling wine in vats is provided by not only a night temperature and shielding system but also the rock in which the object is immersed.

More information and a slide show:

Mahle Metal Leve Tech Center (2008)

The plant in the wilderness? The building in which there are produced parts for automobiles, designed by Brazilian architect Roberto Loeb. The original topography is kept, energy is reduced by the usage of natural light. It is placed on the roof of large tanks filled with water. They have several tasks to do, mainly maintaining a constant humidity in the factory, temperature correction and fire-fighting.

More information and a slideshow:

If you liked this presentation take a look here:

Q: Are you surprised that bad, dirty, polluting factories can be environmentally friendly and exciting places to work?

Q: Would you consider working in a factory if it was similar to these ones?

Q: Do you know similar plants located in Poland?

Sunday, 17 April 2011

How much do you know your mind?

I would like to present you some details about how to cheat your brain. There are a lot of things over the Internet so my decision was to divide that presentation on two parts. Second part will be available soon at: So if you want to see more please go there next week.

Have you ever think about what is the mind, how it works or in what traps can catch you?

Well, first thing first, mind is the aspect of intellect, the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities.

As all we know, mind is situated in the brain…and let’s furthers…what is the brain?

Is it your intellectual
r? Or maybe is the center of thought and understanding...answers are - all of it. But are you sure that you always see what you are look at? Is it real or not? Remember before you read this article - never trust your senses at all.

Read some examples how can you play with your brain.

Ganzfeld Procedure

The Ganzfeld procedure induces the visual hallucinations and sensory distortions. It is probably best known for its uses in parapsychology experiments. To do this test you need only three things:

-half ping-pong ballsolver

- a radio with headphones

- red light,

If you have it,you can start hacking your brain.

Step 1: Turn the radio to a station with just white noise (static), and put on your headphones.

Step 2: Cut the ping-pong ball in half and tape each half over your eyes.

Step 3: Turn the red light so it's facing your eyes.
Step 4: Sit there for at least a half an hour.

All of examinants said that had an interesting experience and the atmosphere and quality of their dreams was very, very unusual.

Some people see horses prancing in the clouds or hear the voice of a dead relative the others.

When we close eyes our brain automatically says " need for focusing anymore," we must remember that the mind is used to the sensations, so that when there’s little to sense (that’s the purpose of ping pong balls and static) your brain ends up inventing its own.

Shrink your Pain

Have you ever been injured and took the painkillers? There is a simple method to make your pain decrease in its magnitude. The scientists from Oxford University discovered a new pain killer – inverted binoculars.

Only what you have to do is looking at your injury through a pair of binoculars that were either the right or wrong way round. When you see it magnified to double its size, your level of pain will increase, but when you look at the same place through inverted binoculars, you will see minimized image and your pain level will cut significantly.

Researches demonstrate that brain is the main point of modulating everything what we see. That’s why sometimes is better to look away.

Pinocchio illusion

What you need to do first is finding one friends with no hang-ups about his nose. A chair and blind fold is also necessary. Ask your friend to blindfold you while you’re sitting in the rear chair. When your friend sits in his/her chair in front of you place your left hand of your friend’s nose. Now, put your right hand on your own nose and at the same time, gently stroking both noses. After one minute more than 50% subjects have very wired feeling that their nose become longer and longer. That’s a Pinocchio illusion. The reason why it’s happened is because vision isn’t involved.

Your friend should sit on a chair directly in a front of you with his back to you. Next place your right hand on your friend's nose - this trick is potentially a great icebreaker at parties. Now put other hand on your own nose and then gently tap and stroke both noses at the same time with identical movements. After a minute, this gives around half of participants the bizarre feeling that their nose is 3ft long, or that their nose is somehow elsewhere.

The science bit:

This illusion occurs because vision is not involved. You are touching and palpating a nose with one hand and feel your nose being touched and palpated (by your next hand). The actions and feelings are exactly the same, so after few seconds your brain realized that you are actually grabbing your own nose. Simultaneously you feel that your arm is stretched out, so the brain realized that the nose is about 1 meter long.

To be continued.


1) Have you ever tried to cheat your brain consciously?

2) Have you ever seen "Magic Eye" series? Can you figured it out?

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The phenomenon of games [part three]

Positive aspects of computer games.

The educational advantages of computer games are as follows: improvement of the ability to perceive, associate things as well as improvement of logical thinking.

Computer games improve your reflexes, eye and movement coordination, manual dexterity. They develop special awareness. They help in developing strategic planning abilities and expanding your imagination. They teach how to make decisions and think about the consequences of them.

Couple years ago scientists from Great Britain came to the conclusion that many people who play computer games have improved their reflexes as well as other things needed for driving a car.

Dr Lorenza Colzato from psychology department at University of Leiden is convinced about the positive aspect of computer games. The University, which is the oldest University in the Netherlands, has carried out research in which it turned out that computer games not only make us clever and improve our reflexes. Thanks to computer games we learn how to think and react fast and the players are better prepared for the day to day life, which sometimes goes so quickly and requires from us to do many things at the same time.

Playing computer games helps to develop natural reflexes which in turn help players respond quicker to stimuli and do many tasks at the same time. This way of thinking is very practical in today’s life when people are forced to do many things at once. They can read emails while talking on the phone. They have to be flexible – says Dr Colzato.

Thanks to latest PS Move controllers for Playstation 3 or Kinect for Xbox 360 we can forget about boring playing in front of the screen and literally interact with the game.

Below you can find the features of those devices:


Dance Central, which provides huge amount of entertainment, is a good example of a device using latest technologies.

Kinect turns out to be perfect for this kind of entertainment. It allows to copy perfectly our moves. Thanks to it dancing in front of a TV brings good entertainment but also great amount of humor.

If you are bored with playing for fun – play for your health.

EA Active 2 is a good example of a game for health. The game is your “personal trainer” thanks to which you can practice at home having fun.

Below you can find a presentation on how to use EA Active 2

Q. Do you think computer games can influence our health in a positive way? Can they heal our bodies and make us feel better?

People also claim that thanks to computer games we can learn new things about ourselves. We can learn how our brain works, how we react in certain situations as well as how we perceive others. But if we take a closer look is it harmless if we let computers and computer games control the way we live?

Please have a look at the video below and comment on it.

Do you think that people should be blindly following what latest developments in computer games bring them?

Do you think that in the future computers and computer games can limit our independence as humans?