Wednesday 13 April 2011

The phenomenon of games [part three]

Positive aspects of computer games.

The educational advantages of computer games are as follows: improvement of the ability to perceive, associate things as well as improvement of logical thinking.

Computer games improve your reflexes, eye and movement coordination, manual dexterity. They develop special awareness. They help in developing strategic planning abilities and expanding your imagination. They teach how to make decisions and think about the consequences of them.

Couple years ago scientists from Great Britain came to the conclusion that many people who play computer games have improved their reflexes as well as other things needed for driving a car.

Dr Lorenza Colzato from psychology department at University of Leiden is convinced about the positive aspect of computer games. The University, which is the oldest University in the Netherlands, has carried out research in which it turned out that computer games not only make us clever and improve our reflexes. Thanks to computer games we learn how to think and react fast and the players are better prepared for the day to day life, which sometimes goes so quickly and requires from us to do many things at the same time.

Playing computer games helps to develop natural reflexes which in turn help players respond quicker to stimuli and do many tasks at the same time. This way of thinking is very practical in today’s life when people are forced to do many things at once. They can read emails while talking on the phone. They have to be flexible – says Dr Colzato.

Thanks to latest PS Move controllers for Playstation 3 or Kinect for Xbox 360 we can forget about boring playing in front of the screen and literally interact with the game.

Below you can find the features of those devices:


Dance Central, which provides huge amount of entertainment, is a good example of a device using latest technologies.

Kinect turns out to be perfect for this kind of entertainment. It allows to copy perfectly our moves. Thanks to it dancing in front of a TV brings good entertainment but also great amount of humor.

If you are bored with playing for fun – play for your health.

EA Active 2 is a good example of a game for health. The game is your “personal trainer” thanks to which you can practice at home having fun.

Below you can find a presentation on how to use EA Active 2

Q. Do you think computer games can influence our health in a positive way? Can they heal our bodies and make us feel better?

People also claim that thanks to computer games we can learn new things about ourselves. We can learn how our brain works, how we react in certain situations as well as how we perceive others. But if we take a closer look is it harmless if we let computers and computer games control the way we live?

Please have a look at the video below and comment on it.

Do you think that people should be blindly following what latest developments in computer games bring them?

Do you think that in the future computers and computer games can limit our independence as humans?


  1. I don't think video games can improve our healt. For me it's only marketing... So it's also my answer for your the second question.
    As I said in previous parts of Your presentation I'm not fan of a games but your presentaion is interesting and gave me differend look "modern gamers". Until there is a hobby, video games are positive. I don't see reason why computer games could limit our independence as humans...

  2. There are a lot of games improving our knowledge or even language skills. But I do not belief that games could increase our health condition. I strongly agree with Marcin. It’s a commercial only.
    The same situation like those new shoes shaping your bottom during the walk – I do not trust in such kind of ‘magic’.
    Yes, games could limit our independence but I think in imprisonment meaning. Games are more addictive so some people becoming a prisoners of virtual reality, and every form of prison is an attack on the human independence.

  3. Recently me and my Family played nintendo wii - there's a great game which consists in following the moves of a dancing silhouette on the screen to the music - great fun for all of us. If you keep doing it it can really help your health and keep up the good condition. We all got so tired after doing this and even learned some dancing moves - what's the difference between this and taking dance lessons? It's cheaper. And will you argue that dance makes your health better?

  4. Yes I can agree with Tomasz, there's a lot of games which improve our language skills or expand our knowledge. I think this is the reason why today young people know some basic english expressions, words etc. I don't believe that the games can improve also our health in any way but I do believe that we acquire some of very important in our lifes physical abilities. That's the good side of it.
    Still I think that it can be very dangerous. Especially for the young people who don't have any support in real life so they escape into a virtual one. I've heard a few dramatic stories about people who were addicted to computer games. It's horrible.
    If someone didn't see the latest polish movie called "Sala samobojców" should go to the cinema. Worth to see.

  5. I hate video games ...

    For me it is a waste of time. Maybe in some way to develop our mind through the different types of guesswork, but most of the strong case against ...

    I believe that in the era of technological development, one day we find ourselves in a kind of game and it will not be no fun ...

  6. I think everyone should benefit technical achievements, but do that carefully and reasonably. Your presentation about computer games show good aspects, but be aware that this is just a game, there is no way to substitute the real world, where contact with people is very important. One thing is sure: we have to move, so training using computer as your private trainer certainly will have a positive impact on our body, but do not forget about fresh air.
    Computer games are highly addictive and many people pick up the habit. Referring to the topic I recommend "Sala samobójców" directed by Jan Komasa. The movie shows this problem.


  7. If you play Wii, Move or Kinect all day long, then yes, it can influence your health in possitive way. But isn't it better to go outside for a walk or something? Basketball, or any other team sport, with friends on fresh air increases our health and relationships in positive way so it's much better than console.

    In your previus presentations I said video games were a waste of time and money so to me people shouldn't think about latest developments in computer games.
    Do I think that in the future computers and computer games can limit our independence as humans? Tomasz said exactly what I think about it " Games are more addictive so some people becoming a prisoners of virtual reality, and every form of prison is an attack on the human independence."

    I'm not sure whether everyone of you saw The Wall-E movie but there was very interesting scene. Because of computers people became very fat and they can't walk on their legs. it's very possible and very sad that our, not so far, future can look like this..

  8. Oh come on " Games are more addictive so some people becoming a prisoners of virtual reality, and every form of prison is an attack on the human independence." - I can't agree with it. You could say the same about job - there are people who live and breath their job - so what, they shouldn't work?
    There are people that will be an addicts to games, work and everything else, and there are people that won't.
    Have you played Kinect? It is great fun, I think this is good solution for kids, because they can play and at the same time they have a lot of movements - believe me it is tiring. So everything depends on the point of view.

  9. I think the games have negative effects on human health, especially the young. This is usually principal cause of spine problems in adulthood. It is a waste of time, some people spend their all days by playing games, and most of them young life.

  10. As I mentioned earlier I don't play on computer game. And I agree with Radek
    Evil is Games and Games is evil ;]

  11. Games are time killers and I don't think that they can influence our health in a positive way. Playing a game on Playstation Move burns maybe more calories than sitting on the couch playing with a traditional pad, but it is not worth to mention. Going for a walk or riding a bicycle is better for sure.

  12. They rather can destroy then increase our health condition;)and agree with predecessors that they are time killers! I also have to admit that many games are very helpful for their users and they can improve our knowledge and different skills.

  13. You guys say about negative influence to our condidion coused by computer games. What can you say about desk type kind of work? Sitting 8 hours in front of monitor would rather not be better than playing using kinect or PS Move.
    There is also more positive aspects like learning children multitasking, controling body moves or learning forein languages as it was in my example.
    When i was a child i played a lot. Playing fallout or baldurs gate in english was not an easy task to do. To understand a plot i had to took dictionary from a shelf and look for a differend words. They were the best english lessons i ever had.

  14. We cannot say that video games destroy our health and that they are time killers. Even though at some point it is true, especially when people consume too much time playing video games than for instance working or studying. We have to be fair and admit that we can also learn a lot from playing computer games. Most of them can be played in other languages, most common is English, which can help us learn this language (thx jg). We can communicate with other players thanks to which we interact with other people. In the case of interactive games it is true that they can burn our calories, even though it should also be admitted that not in the same way as in real life. So in general, video games have just as many good as bad sides and the decision if they are helpful or not should be left to every individual person. Personally I do not mind playing computer games from time to time. It is simply fun.

  15. I don't think that computers can have any positive influence on our health, especially when one spends long hours in front of a monitor. It can cause headache, deteriorate the condition of eyes or simply make us feel tired. Some time ago I read in a newspaper that last year over 50% of Poles didn't have a book in their hands. It is sad yet ridiculous. In my opinion, this is the outcome of spending many hours in front of a PC with Internet on a daily basis. Where will it lead us? To illiteracy in the 21st century? I would like people to embark upon a more balanced approach towards using computers in their everyday life. If they don't, probably in a short time we will become completely enslaved by technology and it will be almost impossible to do anything without the use of computers. It is a sad perspective, it seems quite possible though.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. >Q. Do you think computer games can influence our health in a positive way?
    >Can they heal our bodies and make us feel better?
    I rather go out to ride a bike than look at the TV and pretend to be riding. :) For me it looks like game producers want to raise a lazy generation. But I read about some overweight teenager in US that during Wow sessions was riding a stationary bike and lost 30kg! So it depends on the human.

    >Do you think that people should be blindly following what latest developments in computer games bring them?
    For me this question is very abstract. I like to play games on my mobile during traveling by the train but that's it.

    >Do you think that in the future computers and computer games can limit our independence as humans?
    You talking about terminator scenario? or what? I don't get what you asking us.

    "(...) The University, which is the oldest University in the Netherlands (...)" - you talking about the same Netherlands in where soft drugs are legal? :> Of course they will say that games are good for you. After they get high they want some entertainment.

    Another thing: why psmove's and kinect's clips are so low-budged? It's like watching special effects in class b horror movies. Playstation and Xbox first laugh about wii's controller and later developed the same one. :D I read some about it when they were announced/premiered and from the reviews I have mixed feelings. Generally speaking reviewers didn't find nothing innovative, new or exiting about those controllers. Of course I'm talking about fresh reviews. Maybe now the situation changed. I never had any chance to test them so I don't even know if I like them or hate them.

  18. 1. Maybe it is not about our health condition but a state of brain. I heard that both things are connected and I experienced on my own skin how bad or good mood can influence health.

    2.As far as independent in concerned there are a lot of games that try to cut it from us. Let us say Ogame that makes playerer stay on PC all the time or buy commander in order to get some free time. Such games takes our freedom.

  19. I think that games can have influence on ones health. For example there is player who is very absorbed in one of online games. He spends many hours sitting. He disorganize his organism rhythm, because he plays also in nights. But on the other hand, as we can read in article, he is all the time planning, he experiences interaction with other players, so his brain is working very intensive.It is very difficult to say is it health or not. Few days ago i had occasion to test the playstation move controller. With friends we were playing disc throwing. In one hand i had controller in other beer. Fun was great, but why is it so difficult to take real disc and have the same or bigger fun on the plain air?

  20. I think that wanting to understand the impact of computer games on our health, we must discuss about two aspects. First thing: computers radiate, besides sitting at the computer for a long time causes the curvature of our body. This is the negative impact of computers on humans. The second issue is computer games as entertainment. They have a positive impact if we feel relaxed after a hard work. That's all, thank you for your attention :)
