Tuesday 12 April 2011

Mysteries of Venus Part II

"Venus was born with the same sorts of constituents as Earth, which means there was some water in the environment. Some more probably came in from comets," Andrew Coates explains.

Any water that was there has boiled away. Due to greenhouse warming Venus becomes one of the most barren places in the whole Solar System.

Magellan mission proved also that Venus has a very unusual geological structure. Bright highlands which reflects radar beams better than lower areas. Several theories have been made explaining that uncommon structure. All of them contain explanations showing layers formed by loose soil and kind of a “metallic snow”.

Second exploration proved that Venus's hot lower areas contains many vaporized metals creating dense metallic mist. At higher layers, where temperature is lower, they are condensing to form a reflective surface on the ground.

That observation fully explains what the snow is created from. As candidates tellurium and iron pyrites (also known as “Fool’s Gold) were proposed as most likely ingredients.

The last recent work made by Washington University Team suggests the metallic cover could be rather made from sulphides of lead or even bismuth.

“Acid rain”

An Oxford scientists believe the greenhouse effect on Venus has been created by volcanism. Active volcanoes pumped enormous quantities of the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas directly into the atmosphere. Water has vanished from the surface mixed with the eruption gases and CO2 to create a bubble trap exposed for a solar radiation and overheated the planet. Then water was split by Sunlight into its constituents: oxygen and hydrogen.

Opposite to Earth, Venus isn’t protected by any magnetic field, so components can be just pumped out from the top of the atmosphere. This fact let the light hydrogen to escape from the planet, leaving its heavier form in place - deuterium.

"On Earth, the amount of carbon dioxide is controlled because it dissolves in the surface water, that's why you get deposition on the ocean floor of carbonates," says Dr Coates. "On Venus, there was no surface water and no natural 'sink' for CO2."

For now, atmosphere on Venus contains almost 97% of carbon dioxide with clouds formed by droplets of sulphuric acid, compounds of fluorine and chlorine.

These of them take a part in the acid rain named ‘virga’ which vanishes just before reaching the Venus’ surface.

Clouds formed in the upper part of atmosphere spin with a rate of 300km/h, driven by extremely strong winds.

The same as the Earth Venus rotates in an East to West (retrograde), making one full rotation by 243 Earth days.

This is quite unseen - especially its orbital path around the Sun lasts 225 Earth days.

If we put a person on the Venus’ surface, we would get the feeling that the days were longer than the one year.

Please focus on those movies. I know it is time-consuming but…interesting. Divided in 3 parts the movie contains everything that the scientist has already discovered.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

A peaceful Venus

It’s hard to tell for scientists how long present-day condition has existed on present Venus.

There are many theories but one of them said, ‘the current surface temperature might be stabilized through a complex interaction between the atmosphere and minerals in the rocks.’ But this statement needs a lot of the surface has to be in a close contact with the atmosphere.

If we discredit that idea for a moment and one assumes that the greenhouse warming is driven by volcanism, then conditions could be fluctuating on an approximate short timescale.

"At some point the volcanism will run out. It ran out on Mars a long time ago, and it has partially run out on Earth," says Fred Taylor.

"The volcanism will eventually subside to the point where it can't maintain these high temperatures and pressures. It's interesting to ask yourself what will happen then."

Recent atmospheric studies assume that dire and strict conditions on Venus will evaluate and they finally become more relax and stable… and the planet will become more like Earth.

"You might get the oceans back, if there's enough water vapour to condense. And once you get the oceans back, they hasten the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere because they dissolve it and turn it into rocks," said Professor Taylor.

"You might end up with a Venus that's quite a lot like people thought it was going to be in the 1950s."


1) According to the scientist’s discoveries can we say that suddenly Venus could be a human friendly planet?

2) Today we are at the very beginning of the Universe exploration and we’ve found so far few almost Earth-like objects. Do you belief that somewhere over there is a similar planet colonized by identical forms of life? That, unexpectedly, we have our counterparts there?


  1. i didn't enjoy this part of presentation. I'm not a chemist to understand or be interested in all of these reactions and so on.

    Venus won't rather be human friendly. It's too hot out there.

    Identical forms of life? Pity them then. Very unlikely that the evolution would have gone the same way somewhere else in the universe.

  2. It is interesting what Tomas was writing about Venus in this presentation but I have to admit that it was a hard one...
    It would be great if one day Venus became a human friendly planet and people could move and lead a peaceful life over there... What's more this is a very good material for the science-fiction movie;)

    I belief that somewhere in the Universe there is a similar planet to the Earth, even with identical forms of life and with human being but not in exactly the same stage of development... However, who knows;)

  3. By all means yes. Venus can behave a lot like Earth when it was being created or when it created itself – depending who or what created it. Earth just as other planets evaluate and we cannot say for sure what will happen in the future. The events on Earth (and other planets) are unpredictable. Suddenly, due to some sort of forces, the conditions in the Venus atmosphere can drastically change and life can come to exist. It is highly possible that we end up with a Venus that looks and behaves like Earth.

    In my opinion life outside Earth does exist but we have not simply found it yet. As the Universe exploration continues we discover more and more facts about our planet and possibilities of life on other planets. If the conditions on Earth were favorable why shouldn’t they be so somewhere else? Why would Earth be so special and unique? In my opinion we are just part of something bigger and there are better developed civilizations than us. They might have their own reasons for not disclosing themselves to us or maybe they are waiting for a good moment. Nonetheless one thing is certain – we are not alone in space.

  4. 1. It is one of theories and it might be true, so everything is possible :-) The funny thing is that even if it happens, human kind may extinct till this time. I don't believe that if there is some kind of life on Venus, it will be similar to life we know. These two planets differentiate too much and organisms must adjust to conditions that they live in.
    2. No, I don't suppose so. Nature is so diverse that even if we find intelligent life somewhere in the universe one day, it won't be like us. There is another question: what does it mean "almost Earth-like objects"? We know so very little about them. They are really far away and and we cannot explore them. We can only imagine, that they may be similar to our planet.

  5. I have to admit that I am not familiar with the topic of planets and changes affecting them within years, as well as I am not interested in it to such an extent that I could easily comment on your presentation. However, in my opinion, scientists should follow and examine the changes that take place on Venus in order to avoid such changes on Earth in the future. I am not sure if there are any planets in the universe that have similar conditions and where people could live. As far as I know, the universe is still a big mystery, even to scientists and people interested in the topic. :)

  6. Even though I'm not a chemist, I understand how volcanic eruptions enhanced warming of the planet by adding CO2 to the atmosphere. I am a real brainiac, I guess ;)

    I enjoyed the series of presentations about Venus. I especially liked the old school opening theme of NASA's video.

    I believe that there still is insufficient amount of data to foresee if humans will be able to colonize Venus. Facts say that as for now it is not possible, but who knows what we'll be capable of doing in a 1000 years time.

    Identical forms of life on a different Earth-like planet? I'd give it a minimum probability. It's unsure if there exists any life apart from the one observed on Earth. But that has already been discussed on the last presentation.

  7. OF COURSE YES;] For a few cemturies, the people will conquer the whole universe ;>>

    I heard about this planet. As I mentoned in the earlier presentation it's possible thatsomewhere in the universe exists similar planet and similar live form.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Unfortunately I have to agree with Jakub. This part was a bit too connected with science stuff which wasn't really thrilling. And again as Jakub said I don't think that Venus could be a human friendly planet. It's too close to the sun. It would burn our skin, it's too hot and I think there are more factors that wouldn't let us live there.
    I do believe that somewhere out there could be an Earth similar planet, but I don't think there are identical forms. Though they could be really parallel. I don't think I have enough knowledge to claim so but it's just a guess. And I woudn't say that it's so unexpected, because we all know that scientists are constantly looking for the planets colonized by any forms of lifes.

  10. I don't think that Venus could be a human friendly planet, but human beings are very talented and maybe we will invent some great technology which will allow us to live on other planets. Fortunately I'm not the generation that has to move from Earth.

  11. 1.) Venus is not too friendly for humans. Why? More than 500 degrees is far too much for any organism to sustain.
    2.) In my opinion it quite probable theory that somewhere out there is a planet similar or just like our and even inhabited by similar forms of life. The universe is just so enormous and unexplored that i might be true. Even more! Maybe there are parallel words?

  12. 1. I heard somethere that our sun is easeing all the time. Maybe in very far future there will be environment in venus friendly for us, humans.
    Imagine that there will be time when on the earth will be about -200 degrees. Maybe our civilization will have to emigrate somewhere closer to sun.
    Quite crazy idea, but who knows what will happen in milion of years.
    2. I answered this question in first part of your presentation. Still my opinion did not change. There are somethere beings similar to human. I really belive that.

  13. >1) According to the scientist’s discoveries can we say that suddenly Venus could be a human friendly planet?
    Is this a tricky question? Do you check if were listening/reading? :) From what I learned from the presentation/clips the scientist believe that someday Venus could be similar to Earth and sci-fic movies from 50s.

    >2) Today we are at the very beginning of the Universe exploration and we’ve found so far few almost Earth-like objects. Do you belief that somewhere over there is a similar planet colonized by identical forms of life? That, unexpectedly, we have our counterparts there?
    Similar planet - yes, identical forms of life? You talking about carbon-based form of life or humans? Identical - no, similar - yes. It's plausible that somewhere there's similar carbon-based life form but very unlikely be identical to us.

    Funny thing: before the Venus expeditions every sci-fic movie took place on Venus. But after photos from Venus surfaced, the writers changed their obsession to Mars.

  14. All the time we hear that researchers are exploring other planets, trying to find signals of life, search the possibility of human life on planets other than Earth. We see that the researchers still keep going, they are patient in his research. Therefore, maybe a couple of years, maybe for a dozen years, maybe never, we will hear that on other planets live is possible.
