Monday 11 April 2011

The phenomenon of games [part two]

Dangers of video games

Let’s start from the most obvious reasons like video game brutality.

Increased amount of violence accompanied by brutality presented in a game can lead to people being insensible and without compassion.

The difference between good and evil is distorted. Virtual death is not a problem because another life is at your disposal

Violent games become criticized by society. In some countries it is illegal to purchase or possess some of the more controversial titles.

I encourage you to watch a short video clip about violence and brutality in video games and then express your comments on it.

Computer games addiction is also a problem. Some computer games require constant logging in, being everyday online in order to continue playing. There have been numerous cases of overexertion and even deaths reported after hours spent on the computer games.

Below you can find an article about one man’s death after a 49-hour playing session.

As you can see the problem is very complex and serious. Games not only cause addiction but also an increase in violence and have an immense impact on our brain.

Violent Video Games may affect the Brain

Unlimited and uncontrolled access to computer games can lead to narrowing one’s interests.

The world of fiction can replace or blend with the real world and the player feels isolated and he/she feels that the virtual world is taking over the real world in which it is harder and harder to find oneself.

Of course it does not have to affect everybody who sits in front of a computer just as not everybody who tends to drink beer is an alcoholic.

Q. Do you think that games have a destructive influence on young people?


  1. Come on, let's not blow this out of proportion. Of course there are some people who get so easily influenced by a game that they stop seeing the difference between the virtual life and reality. But in this case, shouldn't we ban the tv too? More people watch tv than play games and there's even more violence there than anywhere else. Of course, you can't kill someone in a movie like you can in a game. But think about it - most boys have probably slayed anything that moves in a game and still they are pretty normal people. If you show a game to someone mentally more or less stable, nothing bad should happen.
    If somebody doesn't know his limits and dies after 49 hours of playing - well, you could treat it like natural selection...

    What I don't understand are people who criticise games without even trying it themselves. I've heard many opinions of what a waste of time that is etc etc. I always answered that it is just the same waste of time as reading a book, going for a walk or doing anything else for pleasure.

  2. It is kind of a hobby. Somebody wants to go outside meet some friends or stay at home watch a movie but the others prefer to stay near PC and play.
    In my opinion games were created for those who doesn’t have a normal life, for people who are unsocial or have complexes – that’s my opinion and you could be frustrated.
    We cannot blame only games. Of course they are a big component of ‘jigsaw puzzles’ called destructive influence. But increase of violence in young people’s community could derive from different causes. I can agree brutal games take a big part in changing young person’s mind and there is nothing strange that number of games-addicted brainless freaks still grow.

  3. Yes I can agree with that. We can read in newspapers that some of kids all of the world commit suicides or attack their friends at school because they confused the real world with the game. But how they come to this, parents without time to care for their children, children that don’t go to school and spend all day long in front of the computer computer. Playing one game where they kill opponents to win the battle. I really believe that this was every hour of they spend on computer.
    Because when they go school they learn a lot of information about people, about history (that wars are bad), geography, biology and most important about adaptation to life. If they would learn about all this information I cannot believe that they could take gun and kill kids in school.

  4. I think games could be destructive for young people, but it could be also good a good way to relieve emotions.
    I don't agree with Tomasz's opinion that "games were created for those who doesn’t have a normal life(...)". "Normal" people are also a gamers... The play ocassionally. Sometimes it's a hobby but sometimes addiction! The same addiction as a stock market, but the second one can gives you better profits :-)

  5. I do agree with the opinions that the whole issue with video games addiction is an exaggeration. People waste time in many other ways than playing video games. Some people even waste their lives by drinking or taking drugs. So playing video games shouldn’t be considered so harmful. Of course if we remember to strike a balance and not to take it to the limits. And I do agree that we shouldn’t blame only games. There are more factors that just video games that harm people. If someone is not strong enough than he shouldn’t play games.

  6. I think that the problem of computer games is that it consumes to much time of a modern teenager. Parents are too busy to control the kid and sometimes it's even more convenient to let him play and keep him busy at the same time.

    The truth is that instead of making friends with their peers, teens are spending worthless hours playing games and watching TV. I truly hope my kid will not be a game geek.

    Problem of game violence exists and it should not be disregarded. Two years ago in my home town a 12 year old kid killed his friend with a brick after loosing a Counter Strike game badly. Don't tell me it's not a problem.

    Sex and violence is a new anthem for kids nowadays. And I think video games are to blame.

  7. I think without adequate guidance, almost anything could become destructive to youth. For example, if a child is given unrestricted access to chocolate cake, what do you think would happen? My guess is the child would eat too much, and would have to suffer a stomach ache for a while. Further in this example, what if this activity is allowed by an adult for many months? Surely,the child may become very unhealthy. Now, who or what is to blame? The chocolate cake or the adult?

    In my opinion, the same idea applies to things like media as well. Video games could have a strongly negative influence upon a young mind. The amount of bad influence can vary, because of individual child's traits and the lack of guidance from the parent in authority.

    Just opinion, of course. But I just think society has tendency to seek something blame, rather than consider an actual solution.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Do I think that games have a destructive influence on young people?

    For sure yes! Look at this video

    I think we all know computer games are a problem of modern world. Almost every day we can hear about teeneger who did something terrible because of the game. increasingly young people can't distinguish the virtual world from the real world. They think they're gods or something.

    I agree with Tomasz Frender that "games were created for those who doesn’t have a normal life, for people who are unsocial or have complexes." If someone has a friends and knows how real world looks like he would never played video games longer than one hour a week.
    If someone has friends and knows how real world looks like he will never go to kill someone because of the game. Even if he plays sometimes. Maybe I'm wrong but I think it's true.

    Maybe the video is not funny at all ,but I'm pretty sure that everyone who watched this movie was laughing for a moment :)

  10. I think that everything depends from the person. I have played a lot of brutal games and I am not going to kill anyone, I'm not aggresive etc.
    You could say the same about the movies - they are violent, there are things invented by the authors that I couldn't imagine - and such ideas can also be some incentive for people to try to do the same thing in real world. Again, I don't have such ideas after watching movies, do you? Probably also not. So you can't say that games are evil, because you would have to say that movies are evil, music is evil and everything is evil. The best would be not to watch the tv, listen to music and play games. Everything is for people. If someone is going to kill someone, he will do it sooner or later I think - and it doesn't matter whether he is playing some brutal games or educational one. When some tragedy happens, we just try to find someone/something to blame for it..

  11. YES!! I think that!! In today's news I have heard that every third teenager in Poland is dependent on computer and computer game. One of those childrens said, that when he going out, he sees people just like in the game. And how we can say that computer games don't destroy young people psychology and their world perception?;/

  12. Note that many students in our university are playing on lectures, play on breaks and sometimes don't go to classes to continue to play. I had a few such individuals in my group and to be honest I don't know why they even study. They can do the same at home and spend the fees on new games.

    In conclusion: games have destructive influence on young people.

  13. For me, it's just a catchy title. Almost everyting can lead to violence. It all depends on what's in one's head and how one does interpret the world and what are the circumstances. Some of us can watch brutal movies, play violent games and still remain normal. On the other hand, there are some that don't require much, it's like gentle voice that comes to they ears saying "do it", like they're being poked on the edge of the cliff. We can blame everything, not only games. I think that it's not that simple. Arguing that being a witness when mom was beaten by dad in childhood may lead to psychopathic agression in adulthood. It's a complicated process and I don't think that it can be answered this way. If you're interested, my opinion touches on the topic of buttefly effect.

  14. It can not be said in one world that the video games are completely inappropriate for youths.
    First of all the question is what kind of game we are talking about? There is huge range of video games that helps developing young people in many fields: emotional, educational, cognitive and so on. But there are also the cruel games with a lot of violence shown in such a real visualization that they can have a destructive influence on young people...
    The second thing is that nowadays parents are very busy and very often work from 8 am to even 8 pm! They doesn't have enough time to take care and pay enough attention to their children... This increasingly common phenomenon lead to the situation that youths experiment with alcohol, drugs or get lost in games...

  15. There is only one aspect of computer games which can be threat. It is addiction, especially it takes young people who start to change meeting in realy world to play together world of warcraft or league of legends.

    Second aspect mentioned in this presentation is brutality. I have to completely disagree with opinion that it takes huge aspect of our real time actions and motivate to unsocialised aggressive disorder. I play lots of brutal and violent games ,same as my friends, and no one of us is going to kill any one.
    If violent games make us brutal, the same we can say about movies, video clips or book. There are much bigger social thread right now like drugs or alcohol so please leave games a-loin ;)

  16. Video games do not have to cause violence. They will only if used inappropriately. It all depends on the person. It is true that video games can negatively influence teenagers. Therefore, adults should keep an eye on their children and control what and when they play. Adults should educate their children as for the effects of playing video games. If children know what is good and bad they will not go on the street and think that they are in a virtual world and they have 7 lives. All in all, with the right level of education we can let teenagers play video games.

  17. Yes, in most cases games do not have a good influence on young people. Nowadays, children and teenagers prefer to spend time in front of their computers playing games than to read books, spend time with their friends or take up sport activities. I don't think that games can develop a young person in such a way that literature or social and physical activities do. Of course, they may develop abilities such as planning or strategic thinking but other areas unfortunately remain undeveloped. Therefore, in my opinion, parents should not allow their children to play PC games on a daily basis. There should be some balance in the process of growing up.

  18. >Q. Do you think that games have a destructive influence on young people?
    So, looking at the comments we have two extreme views. I don't care if someone wasting (or not) her/his life on games. That's not my business. Lets be honest: everything can be destructive for young people. They didn't develop (yet?) a mature psyche so some part of them will gonna suffer from negative games impact. As I was saying on the beginning: everything can be destructive for them.

    And if someone says that after playing games he sees other people like in the game then he is either a psycho either has vivid imagination.

  19. In my opinion we can't tell that games are dangerous. Can we tell that air planes are danger, because there are few accidents with their participation? Statistics says that they are the most secure way of travelling. Game in its nature is to give fun, to relieve the emotions, provoke to think, but no to heart anyone. There are people who under their influence can loose their conscious, their perception of reality. But perhaps they will loose it also during violent film or stupid commercial. Everything for what we are spending a lot of time have influence on us but we have got brains to try to control it.

  20. In my opinion games may be a good way for relaxation. Not for me now, but when I was a little boy, I loved play them. I played in all types of games, brutal and without brutal and my parents don't have a influence on games in which I played. They trust my mind ;) And my opinion is that if we do everything reasonably in appropriate quantities we are safe. My answer is: no, games haven't a destructive influence on young people.
