Friday 12 November 2010

Professor, send me back in time.

Is time travel theoretically and practically possible? This is one of the unsolved problems in physics. Unsolved doesn't mean that there aren't any theories, science theories.

There are three main concepts that theoretically allow time travel:

Travel faster than the speed of light
According to Albert Einsteins theories it is not possible because it would require infinite amounts of energy. Of course I'm talking about lights speed in vacuum, in other substances light is traveling slower and in fact it is possible to travel faster.

It is yet to be proved whether it is possible but lets take a hypothetical signal that is traveling FTL (faster than light). A sends a signal to B, B responds to A - in this case A would recieve a reply before sending the signal!

Use cosmic strings
Cosmic strings are (hypothetical) one dimensional "things" with great mass. They are supposed to be able to bend matter and light therefore allow time travel.

Use a black hole
Like cosmic strings black holes can bend light and matter. The only problem is that they suck everything in and let nothing out, would be hard to return :)

Grandfather paradox
Let us assume we found a way to travel in time. What if "us" from the past die, will we perish aswell? This is one of the arguments that traveling back in time may be impossible, yet there are theories that allow it.

First of them says that all timelines are self-consistent meaning whatever you change in the past it was part of the story all along. You were determined by history to make that change.

Second is used extensively in "Back to the Future" movies. It says that there are multiple parallel timelines. Change in one of them won't affect your timeline.

Final questions:
A young scientist travels into the past one minute with a time machine he just built. With him he took a gun and killed his past self who was loading the gun, instantly killing him. Who fired the shot? (by Stephen Hawking)

Which came first, chicken or the egg?

What would you like to do during your trip in time?


  1. Well, for sure the shot was fired by young scientist. The question should be what happend to him after shooting his past self? And this is something I'm not able to answer.
    Theese kind of question are really tough. We could argue for hours that's why I' ll only say - egg.
    I'd like to see some people who aren't alive anymore, some historical moments and things that could solve conteporary unsolved problems.

  2. Nice paradox. Actually he leaved loop open. The explanation is: first is a cause then an effect and future guy couldn’t exist without past one.
    Of course that chicken  If I had a time travel, I would definitely cross-out few ITNs from my account.

  3. 1. Hmmm, I do not know the answer to this question. It seems to me that the shot was given by the scientist who came from the future.
    2. Circle has no beginning and no end.
    3. My tastes are slightly different. I would like to see the future, steal information and technology and become a very influent and reach person with it in my times.

  4. 1. I agree with Krzysztof
    2. Chicken
    3. I would play lotto games ;)

  5. 1. The gun.
    2. Scrambled eggs.
    3. Steal inventions from the future.

  6. 1. I think that if he got backward in time, he would be the same person as before his invention. So, he wouldn't be conscious of his future and he wouldn't kill anyone.
    2. Hmm... other species?
    3. It sounds fascinating but I wouldn't like to travel in time. I believe that time shouldn't be disturbed ;-)

  7. 1. I don't know... :-)
    2. Egg i think
    3. Watching all parts of The Bold and the Beautifu. I think it is enough long. :-)

  8. I remember that Stephen Hawking has publicly said that he is waiting for time travelers on some date. No one turned up.

  9. Couriosity killed that scientist. I believ in destony and that things heppen in our life for a reason. That is why we should notgo back in time and change it(even if we did something stupid) but learn from our mistakes.
    I think that chicken came first but it just my opinion.
    I would like to move back in time just to witnes the historical moments, but then i want to be able to move back quickly to our times just so i can tell every one that i sow it happening.

  10. 1. Good question. I thing it was the same person as the one that loaded the gun. This would only be posible if there were multiple parallel timelines.
    2. In the beginning there was previous version of the chicken, this creature laid an egg, then the real chicken was hatched from this egg. So the answer is chicken.
    3. I would play lotto.

  11. 1, 2: I agree with Tomasz F - paradox - this guy couldn't exist without past one... This is exactly the same type of questions as with chicken and egg - a chicken couldn't exist without egg and vice versa
    3. I am not going to be unconventional - I would play lotto;)

  12. 1)It is very difficult questions ,but I suppose that the young scientist fired firstly.

    2)According my opinion Chicken was first.

    3)If I could traveling in time ,on sure I would like to go in the past to see some important person from history,but also I would like to travel to the future to see what will happen in my live for example in 10 years ...

  13. 1. I think it was the young scientist, didn't he?
    2. For sure egg was the first, but who created the egg?? Too much pointless thinking.
    3. I don't need to travel in time. I haven't got any regrets or complains,I wouldn't change anything. I'm satisfied with all decisions I made.

  14. 1. Chicken came first, it is a scientific fact.

    2. Travel in the future could motivate me but from the other hand it could make me lazy. It depends on what future would look like. It could also result in the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy.
