Tuesday 25 January 2011

List of the strangest things in the whole world…

List of the strangest things in the whole world…

I would like to focus on a various, strange things on the Earth that you could do or be a part, meet or be keen on, read or watch. Let me start form the very beginning.

As I discovered everyone on the Earth for entire whole life make a lists, different lists of things that they like or hate, love or admire, etc. Try to think about it. If you ate something bad or heard something irritating, you would never try to do it again - for sure. Simultaneously you put that thing on the bottom of that list and at the same time create a kind of an association in your brain: sort of foot --- never try it again, kind of music ---- crap, don’t buy it.

After few years of living your brain is covered by the thousands of associations creating parallel orientated networks. Somebody can say: “that’s the way of learning…” That’s true.

But how much you can force your brain? How many association you can create?

When our brain is overloaded we try to put out thoughts somewhere else. Just to relieve our minds. So we are creating the lists and put them somewhere outside where other people can join and update them by their own observations.

Let’s imagine the situation: you want to buy new TV. But you don’t have any experience in that. You don’t have any reflections, any associations regarding that.

So you decide to borrow somebody else’s list just to learn few things more. How we are able to do that? The answer is simple… Yesterday, you would have certainly gone to the shop and ask the worker about “top ten” of TVs. Today, you would type the phrase in the Internet Explorer and just wait for the results. Thousands of score cards are available on the one click.

That’s the reason of creating “The most stupid things…”, “The most ugly things…”.

I am going to present and describe you some of them. Some of them just worth to see it.

First things first.

At the beginning I would like to present you results of significant question we can ask ourselves in entire life. What is the most important thing in our life?

Many would consider money and financial status as a most important factor. Just ask lottery winners. The others would admire good health condition. Because if you have a health problems (sleekness or disability), you wouldn’t appreciate so much the material things.

On the other hand is love, happiness and family relationship. When you have money and your health is right, all the things are nothing if you cannot share them with other people staying close to you.

Next is appropriate, satisfactory work. When you have a good job it’s easier to earn bigger money, easier to keep your family safer. You happiness and health condition are increasing rapidly.

But the most rated and important is: knowledge and wisdom. Without them we mean nothing.

If you’re still consider that topic you should go there: http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/top10/0,30576,1686204,00.html

At the second stage I would like to show you how bad it can be if you made wrong choice.

The worst jobs ever…

Do you ever think about your job that is hopeless? Yes… sometimes… many times…

// source: joemonster.org

When you focus on your career you can easily notice that isn’t so bad. It always could be worse.

There is a special trained group of people dedicated to work at the heights levels. Even every day they have to climb a little bit just to fix something…

Or just to wash few windows…

There was also a couple of TV series covering that topic.
“The worst jobs in History” - hosted by Tony Robinson. Presenter is trying by his hand every job from history that can call the worst ever.

and “Dirty Jobs” program on the Discovery Channel created by Mike Rowe who shows us how to perform difficult, dirty, ugly and discussing duties. Jobs that we can spot now…



Now time to go to the stringiest things in the world.

How many times do you think about choosing good restaurant for the lunch or dinner?
Any preferences?

If you consider eating on a toilet I would recommend to you:

source of both pictures:

A toilet restaurant – it has been around for few years. Actually is quite popular in Asian countries. Many people really enjoy eating in a toilet - like environment, with smell of poo. That kind of restaurants are slowly but steadily becoming an icon for Taiwan.

Maybe instead of toilet you would prefer a wheelchair in a hospital:

This is Singapore’s first molecular gastronomy restaurant, described as a hospital-themed dining experience.

Shell I take my Sleeping Beauty and pajama? Yes, you can…

source: http://www.wackyarchives.com

After we ate we can drink…

A short definition:

“Coffee Luak - Kopi luwak (Malay pronunciation: [ˈkopi ˈlu.aʔ]), or civet coffee, is the world's most expensive and low-production coffee. It is made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and other related civets, then passed through its digestive tract. A civet eats the berries for their fleshy pulp. In its stomach, proteolytic enzymes seep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids. Passing through a civet's intestines the beans are then defecated, keeping their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness, widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world.” // en.wikipedia.org

During the next coffee try to think a little bit where is it come from, where is that place?!

After we finished our meal. Time to go to the “rest-room”, “00” room… or just simply - “toilet”.

source: http://presurfer.blogspot.com

Giant mouth and invisible mouth. Sometimes life isn't so easy.

When we are comfortable. Fed and not thirsty. We can do some exercises.

Just to keep our form on the right level and our health at good condition. So we would suggest "Keep on flying baby"

And after very busy day we can get some rest reading interesting facts about Coca-Cola Co.

1. Seventy-five percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated (likely applies to half world population).

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

5. Lack of water is the number 1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50%less likely to develop bladder cancer.

9. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

10. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the “real thing” sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china

11. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

12. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion

13. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

14. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

15. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

16. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

17. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis.

18. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous Material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.

19. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

//taken from: http://www.blippitt.com/19-shocking-things-you-didnt-know-about-water-and-coca-cola

What I would like to present you is how strange the world could be. But fortunately, now, we (our generation) are the creators, so let’s make the life not so complicated…

I wouldn’t ask you any questions right now. Just sit for a while and think: “Do we have to making things more difficult?”


  1. That's a good question... I think that in human nature is to make things more difficult that they really are.. Especially in Asian country people have very weird preference.

    According to the facts about coke, I am in shock that it is such a bad poison!!! I can not believe that the statement about T-bone steak is true... Let's make an investigation! ;)

  2. @ kniaz
    They are just different. Something that is weird for us is common for them and vice versa.
    Interested, go to http://www.weirdasianews.com/
    By the way, I have drunk Kopi Luwak in Indonesia. What is more, I have seen palm civets.Very cute animals.
    The price of it is so high just because of its shortage.

  3. I'm not sure what was your intention while making this presentation. We can see world complicated or simple depending on point of view and our personal attitude. I don't think I understand your question "Do we have to make things more difficult?". What do you mean by "making things more difficult"? Drinking cola? ;-) Inventing things? Anyway, I find your presentation truly complicated, but maybe I'm too simple to understand it :-)

  4. I like this topic. When something is diffrent for us we usually find it very interesting. Why? Maybe because old stuffs seem to be boring, ordinary so we,re looking for something new. And I think it's good, we need some diversity in our lifes. But what is 'strange' for us don't have to mean the same for other people. We all diffrent right?
    I don't think people make things more difficult..maybe sometimes but in general I think people try to make their lifes easier. And this is a difficult task.
    And I'm wondering..does our brain can be overloaded? what does it mean, I don't think it's true

  5. I like weird stuff. For example the "see-through-toilet" you metioned in your post. Such things stimulate our imagination.

    According to the facts about Coca-Cola I have heard about many similar facts in the past, but I still like this drink and I think nothing will change that. :)

  6. very good and interesrting presentation. I agree with s8939 - strange or at least different things are more interesting to us. (for sure for me;) )

    Do we have to make things more difficult?

    I think so but not always! what's more, in most cases we do that unwittingly! And only after all things we've done we start to think "oh I could have done it simplier". It is so sad :(

  7. I agree with Kniaz that our -human- nature makes that we complicates our life. When I have something easy to do, I usually can't believe that it's so easy and I difficult it.

  8. Another thing about Coca-cola: do you know that originally Coca-cola was made from coca's leaves which contain COCAIN (up to 9 milligrams per bottle) and sold it as a medicine. The COCAIN was main ingredient responsible for flavor up till 1903 - when it was removed.

    I didn't like the presentation. It's about everything and nothing.

  9. If we talk about strangest things in the whole world it wouldbe worth to mention about flying home experiment. Some volunteers wish to make real images from "Up" movie. And they did it.
    Here is direct link where you can read more about this experiment:

  10. I've heard it said that diversity is the "spice" of life.   To which, judging from this presentation, I can still agree.   I think it's a taste for diversity in life that drives some to seek exotic or otherwise things which differ from my own personally accepted norm.  Why would a person be interested in consuming coffee which had been pre-digested by an animal similar to a raccoon?  I believe it's because it is wholly different from the normal coffee we would buy from the usual shop.  

    Take for example the story linked in Radek's comment.  What's most interesting about a house that flies?  The simple fact that it flies.  Should flying homes be the norm, we wouldn't think anything of balloons affixed to buildings.

    Basically the comment explains that I think diversity is why people like such strange things, and it attempts to give a reason why I feel this way.

  11. this presentation totally lacks in coherence. Can't see a right clear order, it's rather just a collection of links the author wanted to share. Some of it is naturally interesting.

    When talkin about coke, you should check it on your own how much of that is true. I heard about all these "miraculous" properties of coke so when i needed to separate a rusty metal element from an old screw i put it into a glass of coke for a couple of hours and naturally it didn't work out.

    Besides, did you know that at first when invented, coke used to be green?


    Jakub B

  12. Well, to be honest, I'm quite confused about this post and I'm not really sure what it is really about. But maybe it's because I have been occupied with all sort of stuff lately and I don't seem to think logically. Sorry for the offtopic.

    Back to the presentation. You've asked an interesting question - what is the most important thing in our lives? I'd like to share my opinion with you. I spend a lot of my time thinking about life and it's meaning. I'm not a family type of a guy, I don't get attached to things or people, but I see the reason. Accually these are two reasons - to get as much fun as you can get from your life and leave something that will remind others of you. What is that thing you need to leave? I'm not sure, but it has to be big and significant. I'd love to be someone who will change the course of history. I mean, we're all the same, nobody is really THAT great, so wouldn't it be nice to be someone who stands out? Do you feel any kind of, uhm, calling?

  13. This presentation is really strange and it's one of the strangest thing on the world :) If you wrote about strangest things I would say about the biggest stadium of the world (Stadion Strahov). It has eight areas to play football and can have 250.000 fans, but for economic reasons (high maintenance costs) it planned to demolish. Now it's only training object. You can read it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strahov_Stadium

  14. I agree with Sebastian Zebrowski. This presentation it is about everything and nothing,
    it is very dirty and disarrange... but some of presented facts are interesting for example Coca-Cola.

    Many of "stupid things" have a purpose ,maybe historical or culture basis. For example "toilet restaurant"
    for us is stupid idea, but i think that in Taiwan have a culture basis maybe like Gold poop:

    Our world have a many strange or bizarre things for example did You know that:
    The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per
    side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000 or 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 ??

  15. Yes, the world is strange and people like to make life complicated. As someone above wrote, everything depends on the personal attitude towards life. I think that you also complicated your life a bit by making this presentation as it is very long ;P and broach a lot of topics (I think). There are people that 'like' to have problems - I mean here that everything for them is a problem, they are nervous etc. I try to have a good life and live a way that I will not regret any day.
    I am not sure what was your intention when you were writing this text so excuse me if I understood it wrong ;)

  16. If I had to name one strange thing right now, the first thing that would come to my mind would probable be "that presentation"! :D Well done, you hit the bullseye the form perfectly fits the content.

    The very important thing here is the definition of the word strange. Which describes all the things that are odd, unusual, or extraordinary in appearance or basically previously unknown.

    When you get to know all those facts you get closer to geting used to them! We have 6 billion people living all over the world. We all are unique and different :D We live in different cultures, thus we're having different needs.

    What is perceived by one as disgusting could be attractive to another. We need to be ready for the World to surprise us!

  17. My first thought after watching the presentation was: “What is it?!” I agree that presentation it is about everything and nothing, there is a little chaos. I was a little bit confused.

    But back to presentation, at the world was, is and will always be weird things. It's all because of our curious nature and complicating things. And also we like combine with all. I agree also with comment s4419: “Many of "stupid things" have a purpose ,maybe historical or culture basis. For example "toilet restaurant" for us is stupid idea, but i think that in Taiwan have a culture basis maybe”. For example Japan is for us a strange country, because the've different culture and a different philosophy which are sometimes incomprehensible to us. For example, some days ago I had Japanesse Caligraphy lessons and it was very interesting for me, because I'm Japan-maniac ;) Then I really enjoyed caligraphy. But my friend told me that it was weird. Painting with brush and ink on the paper and painting some “esy-floresy”. I think because she didn't know japanesse philosophy and psyche, because caligraphy is a part of philosophy,psyche and culture.

    On presentation was intriguing question: “what is the most important thing in our lives?”
    I'll answer from a person with a hearing disability. Yes, I'm deaf, but I can hear some sounds, because I've hearing aids. For me hearing isn't important, because sometime we don't want to hear, right? I like to be in Silent World, because I don't have to listen annoying sounds. When I don't want to hear them, then I turn off my hearing aids and I'm in blessed silent. Do you had sometimes that that you wanted to just turn off the sounds? All sounds? To be in Silent World? Then you understand me :) Important for me too is to feel life and be yourself. Don't try to be someone else. It's enough.

  18. I haven't even heard of many of this facts. World can be such a strange place, and it is caused by people. I don't know, if I can call it complicated - all of it exists because of humans needs (that can be unusual). We like to be shocked and surprised, do strange things, visit places that can't be called ordinary. Maybe we just don't want to be bored ;)

  19. Well, sometimes when we want make something easier we come all long way and unfortunatelly we make it more difficult. But hey, we're testing life and world! Things you've presented in points are more a kind of interesting detail but they are not really connected with the question.
    12. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion <- yes, I guess everybody tried that. I tried with old, rusted coin and old teeth. But ya know... so what?;)
    I also feel a little confused about this prestentation, although it's quite interesting!
    But answering on you question: No, we don't have to make things more difficult, what is more we often do things to make them more simple! Want to see the proof? See at-home TV shopping!:D Ok, ok I'm joking~
    I invite to see through the internet (some od them are really awesome):
    Laser scissors ftw!

  20. The paradox is : we are trying make life easier, and at the end the result is quite opposite ;) it is because people are trying to find some universal schemas and solutions for every single case, which is no so easy and even posiible for some. In my oppinion we have got so many problems as many we can find. And problem is, that we cant stop searching. We always want to have something to solve, the nirvana state also can be so frustrating because it is so perfect ;)

  21. I agree with Tomsi that "we are trying make life easier, and at the end the result is quite opposite" and also we can't stop people from creating many strange sometime not useful things. The most people create that things to attract customers. It's depend from us, do we like it and use or no. I don't like none of the restaurants that you've described.

  22. It was not easy for me to understand the presentation, I will try to comment on it though.

    First, you presented the most important things in people's lives. Here, I can't see anything weird or strange. It's obvious that we all need money, we want to be healthy, loved and have a good job. When it comes to those strange jobs that you mentioned - all I can say is that such work has to be done and some people have to do it. Not everyone can be a lawyer or a doctor. Other types of work are equally needed.

    Toilet restaurants and wheelchairs instead of normal chairs are something that is supposed to draw people's attention. An original option for those who want to try something different. From the business point of view, I am sure it was a good idea to introduce both of them. Again, I wouldn't call it weird. Just something new and more extreme.

    The Coca-Cola facts that you listed do not surprise me at all. It has been obvious for years that Coke is stronger than some chemicals. :)

    To sum up, I don't think that what you listed exists or happens because of people wanting to make things more difficult. I know it may not sound deep but it's the way things are.

  23. Well, one more thing! If it comes to the facts about Cola I think some so called "facts" needs to be corrected a bit ;)

    Coke does not contain citric acid at all. But instead has lots o sugar - what most probably makes it useless as a washing or cleaning agent. It seems a little weird to pour extremly sweet mixture on your car or whatever without expecting that this 'experiment' will not leave a horrible stain!

    The other fact about osteoporosis being caused by drinking excessive amoounts of Coke seems to me fabricated as well... Eh, I just can't believe it all :)

  24. Do you know that first coca-cola was green and contained a cocaine?
    Do you know that cost of making 2L of cola is 2gr and they are selling it for 4zł or more.
    Do you know that generally known image of santa claus was made by coca-cola??

  25. Here are some more pics of wierd, funny and sometimes strange and bizzare, restaurants:


    and toilets:


    I think that people don't complicate their lives, but makes them more interesting.
    For example these weird restaurants are usally very, very expensive. People who can afford this, are most likely bored. They can have everything what they want so they're seeking for something more, something that only them can afford, somthing they never did.
    Those funny toilets makes our lives more intresting, I bet You'll smile while going to restroom and seeing one of those funny urinals :D
    According to work I think that everyone should sit down and think what he/she like to do in life and after that start to do this ;D

  26. As many of others reading this presentation I'm a little bit confused. I'm not really sure what the message was supposed to be.

    I agree with Falek, that people in general (there are some exceptions of course) are not complicating their lives. Yes, the world around us may be weird and sometimes very hard to understand, but as far as I know our lives are getting easier everyday. Thanks to inventions we are moving forward and we don't have to do many things that our ancestors had to and, at the same time, we can do things that they weren't able to (f.e. less than one day get from one part of the World to another). Even though, often it may seem that some ideas are stupid and complicating everything, eventually they may trigger some changes that will make things even better.

  27. A toilet restaurant...well I'm shocked. I understand culture differences but this is something else. In Asia, maybe bacause of way of life, too much work... people are trying to do something absolutely dissimilar to anything. It is not the first time when I've heard about strange places or habits but also about some kind of sick inclinations. And it more like some social disease rather than different culture.
